What to do when you’re stuck in a job you hate

Whether you want to admit it or not, your work is a big part of your life. You spend at least eight hours at the office every day, and more time with your colleagues than you do with your own family. But if you’re not enjoying your job and you think that you need a change, then you may be considering your next steps. Below, we’ve put together five things that you should do if you hate your job and want to try something different this year. Read on to change your life…


Change your schedule

One of the biggest reasons why people fall out of love for their job is because of their working schedule. Whether you’re nine to five, ten to six or you work shifts, think about your schedule and its impact on your life. Depending on the nature of your role, you may be able to speak with your boss and ask about more flexible working arrangements; you could work from home one day a week, for example, or start later in the day so that you can take your children to school.


Update your CV

If you’ve been working in the same position for a couple of years, then you might want to think about updating your CV so that your most recent work experience is correctly accounted. Think about the new skills you’ve crafted in the role, and additional responsibilities you’ve taken on as part of your job. You might be surprised at just how much you’ve contributed to your role, and identify skills that are attractive to other employers.


Take advantage of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the best ways to find employers and make new business relationships – and keep in touch with people in your current job. If you haven’t already, sign up for an account and add a professional-looking headshot. You’ll also need to populate your profile with a biography, and some of your work experience. And then the fun part – finding and connecting with people you’ve worked with in the past. Ask for recommendations, be active on the platform, and you might just find your next professional opportunity is just around the corner.


Work with a recruitment agency

Looking for jobs can be hard work – especially if you’re employed full time and can’t spare an hour or two on a night to look for new opportunities. One of the best ways to overcome this is to join a recruitment agency. Ripple Recruit, for example, offers recruitment in Reading, and pairs candidates with potential employers only when skill sets, salaries and locations match. Not only do recruitment agencies save you a bunch of time, but you can trust that they’ll only put you forward for an interview if they think you’re right for the job. It’s a win-win for all involved.


Use job sites to look for opportunities

If you’ve got some spare time and don’t mind applying for countless positions, then another option is to use job sites to find new opportunities. Indeed, Monster and CV Library are three of the most popular options in the UK, but there are others to consider, too. Be aware that these job sites are used by thousands of people – and research suggests the average graduate job that’s posted online receives 39 applications; you’ll need to stand out if you want to impress!


Staying in a job you don’t like is no fun, so don’t waste your time and get looking for a new role that gives you a better work-life balance. Whether you do it on your own or you enlist the help of a recruitment agency, we wish you the best of luck with your career. We know you can do it!