If you just started your own small business, and you are searching for a way to boost your website traffic or reach more potential customers, here is a good advice: start blogging. There are many reasons why writing a blog can make your business more successful, these are just a few of them.
Adding a blog to your website will increase your online traffic
In these modern ages, no small or medium business can survive without having a website. But only establishing a website, no matter how beautifully designed, will not help you increase your traffic unless you keep adding fresh content. Adding a blog with good quality content will effectively increase your online presence with the help of SEO. The more relevant your content is, higher it will rank in the search results, which means more online traffic and better visibility for your business.
Blogs can create a better connection with your customers
Every business offers some kind of expertise, which can be quite complicated for ordinary people. That is why writing a blog is a perfect way to establish a more friendly relationship with your customers. Internet is full of information, but most people prefer reading stories and don’t pay attention to information without meaning or value. To actively engage your potential customers, write about your business in a simple way which will catch any average Internet user’s attention and make them want to get more from you.
It’s a good tool for market research.
It is very important for your business to get an honest feedback from everyone who uses your services. Writing regular blog posts about a variety of different topics will help you understand what is more interesting for the crowd you are addressing. By comparing the numbers of views and comments on each post, you can get a good insight into your readers’ interests and preferences. Then you can use the knowledge from the feedback to improve your business and reach even more potential customers.
Blogs can be used for special offers and promotions.
Once your audience number reaches a good target, you can use your blog as a platform for offering special promotions and discounts which will attract more people to buy your products. But be careful not to lose your followers because of too much “spamming”. Keep these kind of blog posts at a minimum and focus on more informational content.
Valuable knowledge sharing can attract other entrepreneurs.
If you regularly share your knowledge by posting blogs (at least once a week), you might notice that other small business owners and entrepreneurs will start following and contacting you. Networking is a very important part of growing your business, so use every opportunity to get to know others that work in the same or similar niche as you. If other successful people share your blog posts, it also increases your credibility, which will make people more willing to buy from you.
In conclusion, if you are willing to try new ways to share your ideas and products and get more customers, you should write a blog. Shake off any irrational thoughts and excuses, like “I am not a good writer”, or “Writing a blog takes too much time”. You will be surprised how easy it is if you dedicate some of your time for reaching out to people through your blog by sharing your valuable knowledge. So don’t wait any longer… start blogging!